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Flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Kuala Lumpur

Total 4 airlines offer flights from Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) to Kuala Lumpur including Malaysia Airlines, Malaysia Berhad, Vietnam Airlines, Singapore Air. The cheapest fare for the route from Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) to Kuala Lumpur offered by Malaysia Airlines, the longest flight is on Singapore Air which takes 4h 25m.

Airline Fares Departing Time Landing Time
Malaysia Airlines $230 16h 10m 18h 0m
Malaysia Berhad $341 09h 40m 11h 30m
Malaysia Berhad$32611h 35m13h 25m
Malaysia Berhad$33110h 10m12h 0m
Vietnam Airlines $526 10h 50m 12h 40m
Vietnam Airlines$5168h 10m10h 0m
Vietnam Airlines$53112h 25m14h 15m
Vietnam Airlines $511 12h 20m 14h 10m
Vietnam Airlines$52612h 50m14h 40m
Vietnam Airlines$49611h 15m13h 5m
Singapore Air $652 20h m 24h 25m
Above details for Flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Kuala Lumpur may be out of date, any additional information or update is warmly welcomed

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