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Flights from Hanoi to Half Moon Bay

Total 6 airlines offer flights from Hanoi to Half Moon Bay including United, China Airlines, American Airlines, EVA Corporation, Vietnam Airlines, EVA Air. The cheapest fare for the route from Hanoi to Half Moon Bay offered by United, the longest flight is on EVA Air which takes 46h 48m.

Airline Fares Departing Time Landing Time
United $1161 10h 45m 9h 22m (next day)
China Airlines $1413 11h 15m 5h 35m (next day)
American Airlines $1467 16h 35m 14h 48m (next day)
EVA Corporation $1610 18h 10m 18h 35m (next day)
Vietnam Airlines $1615 14h 20m 8h 5m (next day)
Vietnam Airlines $1738 20h 20m 14h 25m (next day)
EVA Air $2249 09h m 10h 35m (next day)
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